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  1. K

    When do accommodation offers usually come out?

    I'm starting at Sydney Uni in 2015. I applied for accommodation back in October, received and accepted my course offer in December, and enrolled in classes already. I still haven't recieved an accommodation offer. The website said offers would come out periodically from December 1st. I'm getting...
  2. K

    Using case study historians for Q1?

    My teacher basically burned me at the stake for using AJP Taylor, an historian from our case study, in my trial question one. She said this is extremely frowned upon by markers. My question is though, how are they to know my case study was appeasement? How do they know I wasn't doing a...
  3. K

    What was your trial question for section 3?

    I did the Catholic schools trial. Our question was ''belonging is as much about choice as it is about circumstances that an individual cannot control'' To what extent is this view of belonging communicated in your core text and at least one text of your own choosing? Would anybody who...
  4. K

    Help with this exchange rates essay question

    I'm currently writing this essay: Discuss the effects of an appreciation of the Australian dollar on Australia’s internal and external stability. I have only 700 words and I've run out of things to talk about. I have a paragraph on economic growth, unemployment, inflation, BOGS and debt/...
  5. K

    How hard does General Maths get?

    I am finding the preliminary general course painfully easy. I am good at maths, but I don't enjoy it, which is why I didn't choose Mathematics. My problem is I am finding the course so boring and simple, it is almost embarrassing sitting there learning things I remember learning in primary...