So I have this group and they are not doing anything. I've tried to engage them by asking question's on facebook about their opinion on how we should approach the project but ALL they have done is just "like" my posts and have given no actual commentary or something I can work with. It's really...
So after I finished the HSC, it suddenly dawned on me that I randomly still have HEAPS of my old textbooks and English novels, books and plays. Hence, ALL NEED TO GO AND FIND A NEW HOME! :hammer:
Some are from a while back ( Year 7 and 8 ) so if you don't see anything you need have a think if...
So when can we use a speech form?
If they ask for a piece of "creative writing/imaginative writing" or just "writing" is it ok to do a speech instead of the typical narratives?
Or are they specifically looking for the typical format? Would I be marked down?
Is anyone else not remembering essays? Always my english experience through highschool was that " you were not answering the question" and for my last english exam I really want to not have that comment.
So does anyone have any experiences where this shit we have to learn has been useful/ helped in your life?
I'll start us off- my friend in my biology class was able to correctly identify that she had a kidney infection as we had just learnt about the nephron and the kidney etc the week before.
Okay so recently I got a business assessment back where I *got* 59.5/60 however looking at the questions in detail I saw that they had not noticed 1 mark that I had loss on a question, hence they had added the marks up incorrectly so in actual fact my mark was 58.5/60. Another girl in my class...
Ok, so if my school is around 15-18 and I've been getting in the top 40-50% of my grade for all my subject's except english, where I'm in probably the top 80%. If I completely fail the trials ( my definition is less than 70% personally) , but get 80's, 90's in the external exams can I get an...
Hello all! I have to do an inclass essay comparing P+P and Letters and was just wondering if anyone had any ideas i could use about what the texts are saying about human experience?
Ok so im debating whether or not i do senior science or 10 units. I'm going to drop chemistry because i hate it and im horrible at it plus the maths aspect. ( i just got back an assessment where i literally failed) I also do biology. I love biology but im afraid that if i do senior science that...
Atwood through the authentic narration and recollection of Offred voice creates ironic intention in the subverting of the bible for biblical precedence to disempower the use of communication and draw attention to the ethos and paradox of the Gileadean regime.
^ Ok so this is one of my...
Ok so today i had a chemistry assessment and i hated it, it was horrible. I'm pretty sure i got half of the data analysis wrong. I really want to drop chemistry because i can tell i'm not going to be good at it and i'm just not enjoying it. However i want to enter the MBBS program for either...
So i'm really confused about what the difference is between the separating funnel technique and solvent extraction.
( my teacher did both of these experiments separately but to me the set up looked pretty much the same and we did pretty much the same thing)
I'm doing pre-lim chem and...