Search results

  1. G

    ATAR estimate for a friend

    School Rank: ~5 (baulko) English Adv 50/200 Eng Ext 1 40/91 Chemistry 34/126 Physics 43/124 Maths 2u =2/84 Maths ext 1 82/180 m8 is wondering if he has a shot at unsw med with these sorts of ranks, i reckon he does what do you guys think? THX
  2. G

    Atar Estimate for a friend

    School rank: ~5 Maths 3u 26/180 Maths 4u 34/120ish Eng Adv 100/200 Chemistry 55/126 Physics 49/124 Visual Arts 5/16 thx xoxox
  3. G

    ATAR estimate please

    Just wanted to know out of curiosity School rank: ~5 Subjects: Chemistry: 27/126 Physics: 50/124 English Advanced: 79/200 (screwed up first assessment but got 90% in half yearlies :d) English Ext 1: 34/91 Mathematics 2u: 2/84 Mathematics Ext 1: 92/180 (rly fked up in this) Thanks in advance...