Just wanted to ask if anybody has recently transferred from MQ to either USyd or UNSW in a science related course, and what your experience of the shift was like?
I'm trying to weigh up the pros and cons. I have an opportunity to possibly transfer to a BAdvScience internally at MQ, (in a...
Could people who've done this unit comment on the general level of experience expected? Even though it's titled as an "introductory" unit, I'm concerned that as someone who's interested but has next to zero coding experience, I'll be out of my depth.
Hey guys,
The USyd website isn't very clear on this so I thought I'd ask here. I'm a first year BSci student at another uni looking to transfer into second year of the neuroscience major at USyd.
Given that my current uni doesn't have a neuroscience major, I need to know what units were...