atar doesn't define your life but it makes it easier to get into good uni course, after that i doubt it would matter.
take this with a grain of salt as i'm a 9th grader
I have looked through solutions for 2023 hsc extension 1 and have realised that I got an extra solution for:
Sinx + cosx = 1
I used t formula to solve this and tested pi and somehow thought it was equal to 1. Do I lose marks for this if my other values given were the correct ones besides pi. If...
Upon completing the beautifully elegant and disgusting paper I have told myself I would start extension 2. My first task for extension 2 is gonna be complex numbers. If anyone could give me pointers on which textbook/ resources are best for starting out/learning and then resources with harder...
Hello! I'm taking 3u and 2u maths this year and plan to take 4u next year. As I have recently found out, UAC takes my raw moderated+raw hsc mark and calculates atar with that. As I’ll be doing the other subjects in 2026, will UAC use my marks as if they were done in 2026 to calculate my stay or...
I am currently in year 9 embarking on my HSC studies for 3U Maths and have read articles saying that HSC Maths will be compulsory in the 2026 graduating year. While I'm going to be taking Maths anyway, will this in any way affect how Maths is factored into my ATAR like how English is...