Search results

  1. spiderfan44

    (class of 2024) did you guys get any offers today?

    i got an offer from unsw for the course i wanted!!!
  2. spiderfan44

    is qantas a mad cunt stock?

    @tvskAXatar @lyingsalsa
  3. spiderfan44

    geo skills

    geo skills are the most annoying fucking part of the hsc exam. some of them are just so random like wtf
  4. spiderfan44

    earth and environmental science prediction

    my thoughts -BIF question/ photosynthesis impact on atmosphere -panspermia or hydrothermal vent question -ice core question -tsunami question -prediction technology question
  5. spiderfan44

    hsc routine plan

    what are ur routines going to be for hsc i plan on going to bed at 9, waking up at 6, then getting to school an hour before my exam.
  6. spiderfan44

    atar prediction thread 9000

    school is ranked in the 100's trial exam mark trial exam rank cumulative assessment course rank b6's my school got last year!!! English standard 80% 18/106 4/106 0 Design and technology 88% 8/31 9/31 0 earth and environmental science 84% 3/11 3/11 0 food technology 98%...
  7. spiderfan44

    what are your guys holiday study plans?

    how many hours a day are you going to study? are u guys just going to do past papers or do some other stuff? im going to do 6 - 8 hours a day. i think ill mostly do past papers, but also look over my notes and write 1 page summaries for each module
  8. spiderfan44

    Is It Possible To Redeem Ranks?

    are you asking if you can still do well as long as you do well in the exam, or if you can get your rank changed?
  9. spiderfan44

    my solution to end crime

    if someone turns 50 and theyve never committed a crime they should be given 50$ and allowed to slide down the roof of parliament house lawn with some cardboard, there should also be a slide available. if people have a reward for not committing crime i think that shit will go right down bcuz ive...
  10. spiderfan44

    do you prefer breaking bad or better call saul?

    i like bcs more
  11. spiderfan44

    fav day

    my fav school day is thursday week A bcuz i have 2 periods of school then i get to leave at 11
  12. spiderfan44

    best and worst school fights

    which school fight had the best skills and was the most entertaining which school fight had the worst skills
  13. spiderfan44

    how many non-drill/false alarms lockdowns or evacuations has ur school had

    my school - (keep in mind ive being here only since year 10) -ief kid started freaking the fuck out and started running around the school, banging on doors, being agressive, swearing , fighting staff - gas leak in science room (likely caused by year 7s) - another one i forgot the cause of
  14. spiderfan44

    is doing a masters degree worth it?

    im planning on doing a bachelor of environmental management. im wondering if doing a masters degree is that beneficial in terms of employment in the field of environmental science, mainly environmental consultancy, enforcement or site remediation
  15. spiderfan44

    hows everyone going on their major

    not done with mine yet :spin:
  16. spiderfan44

    what hsc subjects would you do if they were provided by your school?

    i would do investigating science instead of food tech and textiles instead of design and technology
  17. spiderfan44

    trial prediction thread

    post what u think ur trial exam mark will be for each subject. update it when u get trials back
  18. spiderfan44

    who are you people who are staying up to 4am before the exam and why

    i see some of you posting on bos at 4am the day of trials. why do you guys do that, im scared for u