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  1. N

    Can I sue my school and english teachers for purposely giving me a low rank

    I swear if I get a exam mark of 75 and assessment mark of 45 cause they ranked me low-
  2. N

    Why are all the raw marks so low for extension 1 on rawmarks database? is everyone stupid? how is the max mark 80/100? or am i reading it wrong
  3. N

    Is NESA run for profit?

    Why would they charge you money to see your paper and what you got wrong? They already have your marks and paper scanned, the paper was scanned so it could be marked digitally. They obviously have your mark since they score it. I don't need to see stupid feedback, all I just want to see is what...
  4. N

    Why does a cohort have to drag you down, even if you did good in external exams?

    My school is full of incredibly stupid individuals in math advanced. (49 avg) these clowns will be dragging me down since i'm not the 1st ranker. (calling them stupid cause they had the choice to drop, yet stayed merely because they wanted to stay with their friends. My advanced cohort should in...
  5. N

    Will you be penalized for finding standard deviation using calc?

    The fx82au allows you to find standard deviation. Will the stupid markers not award full marks just because you used a function on a calculator which dumbass nesa aproved? that's messed up if you do get penalised
  6. N

    Is it possible for someone else to use your student number if they know your test centre number too?

    What if you're really dumb and want someone to do the test for you so you get a sibling or someone to sit for you