YAYYY. which campus/ course??.
me? hm Bacherlor of Applied Science (Medical radiation science): diagnostic radiography. cumberland campus.
wat about everyone else??
(p.s if any BOS members out there are doing my course just personally message me) :D
my UAI was 90.25. my first preference was medical science at syd which was 91.05. is there any possibility watsoever that they will lower the mark and accept me?
so happy. i got 90.25. didnt even expect such a mark!
how did everyone else go?
im so proud and happy of everyone who completed their HSC!
sorry i just feel so happy atm :D
OMG my formal WAS LAASTNIGHT and it TOTALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY rocked. everyone looked so hot and the music wassssssss heaps good :D
SUCH A MAD ending to all that stress endured throughout the year.
so how was everyone elses?
question 1
prose fiction and film
"transformations" require an imaginative reshaping of significant elements of a text for new contexts.
any thoughts?
how did you tackle this question?
Just out of curiosity what do you guys think of girls who are totally into cars. Maybe im not as much as a car enthusiast as you guys, but i know a fair bit, i totally love the sports cars especially skylines and the mitsubishsi EVO's, supras are pretty good and we all know rexis are overrated...
WHEN u get 1-3 marks off a band 6. not just in 1 subject. in effin 3 subjects. I got 89% in bio. 88% in modern and 87% in english....GRRR :(
just wanted to know ur thoughts :D .
ohk so like after seeing this guy for like ages he asked me out and it went heaps good. then nothing! no phone call no nothing for like 2 months. so i thought "fine fuk him he was a prick aniways" then outta the blue he messages me "hey babe how r u going. i missed u".
my theory is that he was...
Im thinking of buying a mitsubishi FTO sports car cause im absolutly inlove with them. I saw one on the trading post and i am so in love with it. I have the money and all and i was thinking of slamming it (lowering it in other words) whacking on 22inch chromies and putting a mad sound system in...
In our chemistry class of 16 students only 1 student passed. I got 72% so i was the only 1 to pass, unfortunatly the second highest score was 23%, will this bring down my average? :(
Ive written my story so many times. i just wrote it for the 6th time this week cause my trials are on soon. I just wanted 2 see if anyone has their journey story planned out in their head, and can just adapt it to any type of text?
Just out of curiosity. My shyt schoooool wont allow us to bring anyone from outside of school. THIS SUCKS big time!! :( does anyone else's school allow them to bring people from outside the school community for their dates?
Ok so like i have 9 quotes for my novel. is that enough? ive got a few quotes from varied theoriests like scruggs and lyotard and bathes but do i need more?