all my friends exams finished last week. I still got eco and legal to go. What makes it worse it that they are both about writing long essays. Sometimes i just feel like...quiting i still might. who else feels this way
My text book doesnt show how to caculate the real GDP. I remember the teacher showing me, but i really forgot :( so how do you caculate the real GDP...or was is the change in real GDP:bomb:
a friend is telling me that we need to know one case study because one of the essay questions is gonna have 2 options for you too chose from but u have to answer them based on a country other than australia. is this right? because im not gonna waste time learning about a whole countries economy.
for that question, did u have to do :
5000( random number, i forgot what the volume given was) = (simpsons rule area)+(side area)+(end area)+x(represents the curved)?
FUCK! I just remebered...was there 2 simpson rule areas? because i only did one side....someone PLEASE tell me that there wasnt...
i dont have trouble with crime and world order, but for family, i just seem to forget everything. Maybe its because of all the acts we need to remember!!
I need notes for my electives. They are:
telling stories - maybe tomorrow
prose fiction - we all fall down
into the world - the simple gift.My realted text for telling stories is The Pursuit of Happyness and for Into the World its green street hooligans. You reckon they'll do?
who else thinks the texts in section 1 where ****ed up beyong all recognition? Seriously, the language used in 2-3 KILLED ME. What a piece of shit the board of studies are.:burn:
i bearly studied for the hsc...maybe like 5 hours maximum. My ranks are:
Legal:4/30 something
Maths:16/40 something
ancients:2/20 something
Do you reckon if i get around 70-80 in the hsc papers i would get around 80 uai or so?
i dont know jackshit about how im supposed to write my area of study. I dont even know what related text to use. I might use finding nemo, but people are saying i shouldnt because its kiddish. I might use The pursuit of happyness as my related text because i used that in the trials. What do you...
Am i the only who he just cant sit down and study? I just cant study, its too hard. Ive tried. I've even went to the library a fair few times, but i cant even study then. I just cant sit down and study....i have to move! What should i do? I probably studied like 4-5 hours maximum for the HSC...
ok i got my trial english paper 2 tomorrow and i need urgent help. For Telling stories, i dont know what related text to use, Can anyone help me ut and give ma a simple text with a list of technqiues?Also, for section 3, im doing the elective into the world and im going to use Apocolypto as my...