Bored and studying for your trials? Looking for some chemistry related fun? Look no futhur, its the question chain thread :D
Rules: The post above you will ask a question (may be a calculation, theory question etc). You answer the question then post a question underneath your response...
Hi guys, i need some help with estimating my UAI. I Goto De La Salle Revesby Heights, my ranking are:
Maths 2 Unit: 2/23
Maths Extension 1: 3/8
Advanced English: 12/32
Chemistry: 1/11
Physics: 4/21
IPT: 4/19
Studies or Religion: 47/58
I plan to get Band 5's in Maths (2unit), Physics...
*Warning this may contain excessive ranting*
Ok so no only does it suck that Catholic schools have to study a religion course, but my RE co-ordinator just emailed me saying i wont be allowed to drop from Studies of Religion (UAI) to Catholic Studies (non-UAI).
Im Carrying 12 units atm, and i...
hey guys, just after a bit of caffeine advice
in the last 7 weeks of school, i've finsihed 2 and a half boxes of caffeine pills (60 x 100mg of caffeine)
in that time ive built up a tolerance to caffeine, and not having any has impaired by studying greatly (i trialed a week without caffeine, i...
is it possible to bounce back from lower then expected prelim marks?
I'm terrified at the moment, i was considering talking to my year co-ordinator for some advice... good idea?