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  1. S

    Medical science

    I am in year 11 and am still deciding what uni course I want to go into. I was wondering if anyone could give me any details about what medical science would involve. What it's about, what careers I could get into if I chose it as a uni course, etc. I would really appreciate any info on...
  2. S

    how is it posible to write neutral speeches and essays???

    That question is really annoying me. I have to do a speech for SOR. We're doing Christianity and it's on the characteristics of God. I don't understand how I'm going to say the speech without saying 'Christians believe that...' or 'God is...', whichever one I choose, I'm clearly stating what I...
  3. S

    how do u people stay motivated when studying???

    *Deep breath* Well, how? I sit down look at what I have planned to study, look at it for a little longer, flip the page open and then force myself to read and hopefully remember something... so do u have any special techiniques to help YOU keep at it? I can study for some subjects, but others...