Search results

  1. RyBo

    I love my PSP

    Yes I could be considered a nerd, however, I just got a brand spanking new PSP (PlayStation Portable) off eBay, and it is absolutely maaaadd. I love it. I love eBay. I love Lamp. (extracted from Anchorman) Anyhoo, anyone else got one/getting one?? Battery life is a issue, but I was...
  2. RyBo

    The Aviator -yes, i know it's old

    I just watched the movie, "The Aviator". The movie was average, but the guy it was based on was pretty amazing. Anyone else seen it?
  3. RyBo

    Does anyone sail (a boat that is)?

    Does anyone here sail? If so, what do you sail? Which yacht club? How long?
  4. RyBo

    SDL or Academic Med Course?

    SDL or Academic? A question as old as PBL itself. A wise man (Lexi) once said that most of the best doctors you have met were trained old skool. So, all those who do med, what do we all think? I've heard stories of 3rd/4th year meddies not knowing enough hard science (anatomy...
  5. RyBo

    Interstate Students at Uni Tas

    I hope this thread is not as stupid as my last (UMAT practice questions). I'll keep it simple, for my sake. How many interstate students do medicine at the Uni of Tasmania approx?
  6. RyBo

    UMAT Practice Questions

    I recently recieved the new 2005 UMAT practice questions booklet - looks good. Does anyone know how difficult the questions are in comparison to the real UMAT? Even friend of a friend sources are useful. (The questions are taken from old UMAT tests, I assume these were equal difficulty to the...
  7. RyBo

    IT (Information Technology) in Medicine

    Sup again, more questions... :chainsaw: My family Dr did med some 25 years ago, and back then, the most technologically advanced equipment most med students had access to was a photocopier. All information came from notes taken at lectures and textbooks. This brings me to my question...
  8. RyBo

    Speed Reading for UMAT

    I have read a few posts (not on this forum) by year 12 leavers who have sat UMAT, and they said one of the biggest issues is that they didn't have enough time to properly read and thus answer all questions. :eek: Most of these year 12's said that a speed reading course would have improved...
  9. RyBo

    Year 12 Results Conversion

    Hi everyone, 'smee again. More QLD related issues (sorry). Each state has its own version of year 12 results which are all convertible/comparible. - Vic uses the ENTER - NSW uses the UAI - SA, TAS, WA use the TER Queensland, just be be annoying, uses the OP - (a...
  10. RyBo

    James Cook uni UnderGrad Medicine

    Hi all. I'm in year 11 on the Gold Coast, (studying my butt off to hopefully get into med) As a queenslander, there are very few options when it comes to studying under-grad med in my state. UQ and Griffith are graduate, Bond is good if your rich, leaving James Cook. Despite much leg...