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  1. redshift

    Link to actualy student responses for 01/02 papers

    Does anyone have a link to them? Thanx
  2. redshift

    Essay plan

    Hello, ive been asked to make a essay plan for the following essay Analyse the impact of globalisation on Australia’s balance of payments and the exchange rate. I need it to be structured in point form basically so if anyone can help me out on this, it would be much appreciated. Thanx.
  3. redshift

    First assesment based on peter skrzynecki

    Ok ive got my first assesement task on thursday and my teacher hasnt gave has any preperation for this and expects us to write a essay tonight and hand it in tommorow so she can give it to us wednesday in time for thursdays assesment. Can someone please PLEASE outline what i should do in like...
  4. redshift

    The best way to be prepared for the half yearly

    I want to know what is the best way i could get myself ready for the half yearly for biology. My teacher is a absolute idoit and i try my best to follow what he says but all he wants us to do is work off sheets and he doesnt really talk about what we are learning. I mean i do all the homework...
  5. redshift

    hsc 2003 question 23 prt c

    I need a answer for this question Explain the realtionship between net income in the current account and the capital and financial account. Thats it :)
  6. redshift

    q 25 of hsc Essay points needed :)

    essay Q 25 of 2005 hsc Im posting a image of the question i was told to write a essay plan for. But i dont no wat im looking 4 im lost :( so can someone help me with this essay plan i got it as h/w for tonight. All the help is much appreciated :)
  7. redshift

    Does anybody actually studying ipt know much about computers

    From my understanding from a few ppl that i know that do this subject in other schools, they say that they don't actually know hardly anything about indepth things in computers and only can do the basics. Is that what many students doing this course are like. *was their a course that...
  8. redshift

    Outline ideas for essays

    Hello, we have a assesment task on the first chapters tommorow which is based under The global economy. i was wondering if anyone could outline some key point i could expand on for my essay questions that we could possibly have. He has gave us a possibility of these 5 questions and ill need...
  9. redshift

    First assesment task and i need a few ideas

    Hello, i know ive left this a little bit late but ive been looking through a few notes and stuff and i was wondering if anybody can give me the idea's i need to throw towards the assesment task in order to get decent marks. Assesement Task #1 Viewing and representing Module A: Experience...
  10. redshift

    Help with my assignment, answers needed by thursday latest

    Hello, ive done alot of research on my assignment and its based to do with maintaing a balance- gas and nutrients Now i was wondering if some people could answer a few things im struggling to get a result for and ill list them Oxygen - its functions in the human body - How its...
  11. redshift

    2 contrasting pieces for guitar

    I need 2 songs that are very easy to play on guitar and it can't be smoke on the water. Im lookin for anything that tries to escape using the bottom 3 strings and only require a maxium of 2 frets being touched to make a sound. Its due thursday so if anyone could suggest something in tab...
  12. redshift

    Dave williamson the removalists

    Can some either tell me or link me to some study notes about the removalists? Ive got a essay to talk about key issues and the techniques about the play so if anyone has any of that it would be much appreciated if ya share it with me. Thankyou