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  1. L

    UMAT - Subtle Discrimination Against Asians?

    Thought I would also add my bit to the discussion. The current system expects a lot of blind faith from participating stakeholders' (taxpayers and students), that it "works". The truth of the matter is, this a system that is overwhelmingly subjective and thus, simply too open to abuse by the...
  2. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    Re: Optometry - an overrated but really limited career? Translation = I defiantly continue to spout illogical tripe in my own pitiful defense. That's so characteristically lame. Funny that you should talk about a "balanced" account when you, like micelite, appear to know next to nothing...
  3. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    Re: Optometry - an overrated but really limited career? Translation = I'd like to debate you but I simply can't back up my really half-baked opinions so I am just going to hurl some illogical tripe to sound objective and maybe, alter reality. I did and realised they were infantile eye...
  4. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    Optometry - an overrated but really limited career? To all those contemplating a career in Optometry but had listed Medicine or Dentistry as a higher preferences, The main point I would like to drive through to you is that Optometry is overrated, not just in Australia but many others like the...
  5. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    Re: Validated downsides to Optometry (Was: Re: Things to know about Optometry) How do I "make it seem as it is a (sic) unwise career to choose"? I have merely provided published information on Optometry's downsides. If because of that, Optometry seems like "crap" to you then maybe it really...
  6. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    Validated downsides to Optometry (Was: Re: Things to know about Optometry) Once again, I crusade against the darkness of ignorance and fanaticism. :) 1. Optometrists are not paid a whole bunch and as salaried professionals, the awe-inspiring 6-figure incomes touted here are very rare [1]...
  7. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    It is you who is suffering from "selective" reading. In fact, I think you are also suffering from chronic denialitis and exaggerated self-worthitis. Where is this coming from? Who ever said or alluded to anything about optometrists or their association putting down the optometric profession...
  8. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    Dear micelite, Considering the numerous substantiated points I have brought up in my post re the downsides of Optometry, it seems that the very best a troll like yourself does is to counter my post with 1) one uni website 2) an anecdotal report going against established trends 3) your rather...
  9. L

    Things to know about Optometry

    That's utter nonsense. You will, however, struggle to reach the magical 6-digit income in this profession in spite of many years of experience. Having seen all kinds of half-truths and utter nonsense being bandied about regarding Optometry, I would like to set the record straight. It is simply...