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  1. H

    Some questions on a case study

    Did you have to give an insight into the future prospects of Woolworths based on the financial statements? because I am doing the same thing as you are... and I dont know what to write for this bit... if someone could give me an example would be muchly appreciated....
  2. H

    Analysis of Balance Sheet and Income Statement

    I have this assignment where I need to provide an analysis of major aspects of the balance sheet and the revenue statement..... I was just wondering if anyone could give an example of how I should do this? like what sort of stuff should I mention? thanks in advance
  3. H


    Thanks alot guys... But how would discouraged workers affect the participation and unemployment rate?
  4. H


    How would discouraged workers ie hardcore and long-term unemplyed people affect the participation rate and the unemployment rate, referring to the equations.....? What exactly does the labour force consist? Employed and unemployed? The working age population which is 15+, does it include...
  5. H

    How did you go in your Economics half-yearly?

    We actually have to know how to work out the multiplier, and in order to be able to work that out, MPC and MPS is also needed; and I think we need to know APS and APC as well. My exam is on monday arvo.... what did everyone whose done their half yearly get for the extended response/ essay...
  6. H

    How did you go in your Economics half-yearly?

    well my Economics half yearly is on monday, so wish me luck! but I think I might accept the immenent failure, shall I?! lol oh well
  7. H

    Help Please!

    thanks guys!! but thank god the exam is over now... four more to go! argh kill me now! LOL
  8. H

    Help Please!

    yes it does!! thank u very much! my half yearly's commence tommorrow and Biology is on tommorrow! so you have helped me just in time =D
  9. H

    Help Please!

    hey everyone, can someone help me define pentadactyl limb, and why is the study of thus important when studying evolution?