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  1. lucyinthehole

    Let's Brainstorm

    ok, how about we all think about a) things they will almost definately ask cos they always do, and they are major parts of syllabus (unless they screw us over like in chem and ask pretty random stuff - no haber process! aargh.. ok.. need to move on....) eg - relativity (probably with...
  2. lucyinthehole

    significant figures

    ok, once and for all, do zeros after a decimal point count? eg 3 sig fig = 0.0342 or 0.034???
  3. lucyinthehole

    Ashlee Simpson screws up on SNL

    this is hilarious! her lip-synching track started playing too early, and for a song she'd already performed earlier. so she does a little jig and walks off, leaving the band to keep playing, laughing to themselves. apparently later she came back on and blamed the band for playing the wrong song...
  4. lucyinthehole

    Elliot Smith - From A Basement On The Hill

    Elliott Smith - From A Basement On The Hill anyone else got this cd? i LOVE it
  5. lucyinthehole

    How do you rate physics?

    I tried to make this a poll, but couldn't figure out how.... so [EDIT: i did} do you luuuurve physics is it just one of those classes you attend, without really caring or do you hate it ??? i personally count physics amongst my fav subjects. really interesting, challenging, but at the...
  6. lucyinthehole

    heat of combustion of ethanol

    is it greater or less than that of a normal fuel, say octane?
  7. lucyinthehole

    Most common acids + bases

    sorry if this has been asked already or if there's a really obvious way of finding this out (in that case just point me in the right direction), but if it's not too much trouble, can someone post a list of all the acids and bases they expect us to know the formulae of? remember, you'd be...