hmmmmm, i wonder why my standards package doesn't have individual and the society? i got it off my ext 1 teacher too. oh well. i'm stuffed for ext english anyway. took me all year to realise that i have no i dea what the topic is about. :P
I think it was alright. i'm just so glad it's all over. The conversation worked pretty well with king lear however i think my two guys were arguing a little too much. :) i agree that the final question didn't work well with Telling the truth. i talked about how the personalities in frontline...
Hey, i recently got my hands on an ext english standards package cd and was rather dissapointed to find that it only had last years HSC answers on crime fiction and genre. I don't know if maybe it is just my cd that is stuffed up or if thats all it comes with. Yeah so, the point of this post was...
i don't know if this is any help but we were specifically told by our two english teachers who are both HSC markers not to use scene 1 act 1 if we wanted to improve our chances of a good mark as supposedly most people chose it because it is the easiset.