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  1. L

    I.R.P. Home

    i am doing the effects of divorce on a teenagers well being, can u help me please ?
  2. L

    is anyone finding yr 12 to b mad

    yeh thats even betta ay, its like after all these fucked up years of not getting any respect, you walk in to class and they'll actually let u sit down be4 they tell u to get tha fuck out for disrupting
  3. L

    is anyone finding yr 12 to b mad

    lols good call yeh well i am a few cans short of a case lols
  4. L

    is anyone finding yr 12 to b mad

    yeh true that my mum was like u betta pass or ur not goin on ur schoolies cruise i was like oi yes i am
  5. L

    is anyone finding yr 12 to b mad

    haha yeh i agree cant wait to get outta tha place really, but not sure wat i wna do afta it i wna b an actor but yeh if that doesnt happen i want sumthin in the hospitality industry how bout u
  6. L

    is anyone finding yr 12 to b mad

    like yeh brilliant, with mates n shit i dunno if its coz we all kno within ourselves thats its gna b tha best probly last times together?
  7. L

    is anyone finding yr 12 to b mad

    i have come to the conclusion that yr 12 is mad but skool is jus shit anyone else?
  8. L

    P&O Schoolies Cruise

    hey yeh wen r u leaving for ur cruise?