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  1. Frogurt

    Is unilateral action a right of a superpower?

    It's a little hard for India to attack anyone between 1AD and 1500AD considering India didn't exist until 1950 (whilst independence was declared in 47 it wasn't acknowledged until 1950) prior to that they were a collective of small kingdoms, which incidentally did fight amongst themselves...
  2. Frogurt

    Is unilateral action a right of a superpower?

    Yeah i think you did misinterpret me, what i said in the second part was that Barriers(as in social, cultural etc) will only be broken if the alliance is formed without the co-option, as in both parties genuinely want to cooperate, as opposed to the looming threat. whilst that is no doubt a...
  3. Frogurt

    Is unilateral action a right of a superpower?

    you wish to have respect then prove you are worthy of it. respect is a privelige not a right.
  4. Frogurt

    Is unilateral action a right of a superpower?

    i'm not actually seeing where i contradicted myself there Bruce? my initial post said that barriers won't be broken if an alliance of convenience is formed, ie: to parties form an alliance not because they want to but because of an increased threat from a third party. you then spoke of States...
  5. Frogurt

    Is unilateral action a right of a superpower?

    but you've just proven my point here, alliances formed due to a increasing threat from a third party rather than an actual desire to increase relationships, in this case the threat from German and British power. it's been three years since i've studied this could you refresh my memory with...
  6. Frogurt

    Is unilateral action a right of a superpower?

    of course you think that your in an institution (NSW Highschool) that makes Post modernism appear to be a godsend. no, this is a common misunderstanding when people try and approach Realism and Neo-Realism. the structure of Realism are as follows; 1) there is no higher Authority than the...
  7. Frogurt

    Islamic Imperialism

    your link didn't work. i'd also suggest that if you want to participate in debate actually do so. one linners hold little weight if any at all.
  8. Frogurt

    Islamic Imperialism

    you base this on what precisely? the vast bulk of US aide as stated above did not occur until after the 67 war. prior to that they did borrow heavily and beg for hand outs from the communities they left behind, this is common knowledge but if you would like more substantive sources to verify my...
  9. Frogurt

    Islamic Imperialism

    Whilst Israel no doubt is the largest recipient of US aide it is niave to think that this is why Israel has survived. look at the wars that have occured in all cases you will find that the Israeli's had more numbers were better organised and ultimately were able to out manouver the Arab States...
  10. Frogurt

    Islamic Imperialism

    As Bruce said Wikipedia is a real mess, and i would go even further to say to disregard it entirely even for a general overview, it's open source and as such highly subjective in an already highly contentious topic. that is not to say that Academic sources are not also subjective, rather they...
  11. Frogurt

    Australian uranium and China

    i think you missunderstood what i was getting at, my point was, if that is where the most money is being spent on prevention then clearly the problem exists beyond the scope of Uranium Mining, furthermore if Uranium Mining was the root cause of the problem then arguably more money would be spent...
  12. Frogurt

    Australian uranium and China

    well actually it does matter, you've made the assertion that as a result of mining people are abusing substances if you look at this study:,%20dennis.pdf and go to page 6 you see a the demographics, the...
  13. Frogurt

    Australian uranium and China

    yeah i'll accept the UMIC as legit, the NAC one without sourcing i won't accept as there is no possible means to verify how he came to those specific conclusions and the methods employed to create those conclusions my point wasn't so much that uranium is the cause but rather the cultural...
  14. Frogurt

    Australian uranium and China

    alright as a 4u english student you should be aware of a few things, 1) internet is hardly a credible source unless it provides full listings of where it is or is a primary source. greenleft is hardly this and even when they do source it's on shaky foundations at best, Sea Us doesn't...
  15. Frogurt

    Australian uranium and China

    ah but loquasagacious why stop there? any member of the community could use money given to them from the government to obtain illicit and/or harmful substances perhaps Bruce is suggesting that we stop welfare alltogether for everyone in order to protect people from the dangers of free will...
  16. Frogurt

    Australian uranium and China

    Firstly you can't mine Heritage land, because it's Heritage ie: protected, the Government hasn't the legal or political power to just start mining it so your fear is unfounded. as for the Aboriginal communities how do you forsee it impacting them exactly? with regards to India i don't recall...
  17. Frogurt

    do you think law and law enforcement on drugs in australia is lenient...

    I don't think we go far enough at times. i'm all for an increase in measures in a multi-lensed approach towards the problem. 1) We need to recognise that simply instigating a propaganda campaign is not actually enough we should look at other measures to breaking that culture. 2) We need to...
  18. Frogurt

    Australian uranium and China

    Re: Uranium i've no doubt that someone has already picked up on this silly error but i felt the need to comment anyway. India has not Signed the non-proliferation treaty, China has. now as for my own opinion on this, i think it's important that China explores more eco-friendly power...
  19. Frogurt

    Remembering the Veterans - Australian soldiers only?

    For me this is a matter about remembering the price of war, not the glorification nor anything else that seems to pop up that paints the day in a negative light. i think that it should be those who have fought and died for Australia, and having said this i don't wish to detract the sacrifice...