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  1. E

    Factorise Question

    Okay thanks for all your replies.
  2. E

    Factorise Question

    I know how to factorise it by looking at it, I was just hoping that there was an easier way then trial and error.
  3. E

    Factorise Question

    Hey could anyone help me factorise the following: 8x^2 - 30xy + 27y^2 Thanks it would be a great help if you factorised it for me.
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    Need help attacking this question on CAD

    Hey guys. I have been given a HSC in-class assessment. The questions has been given to all Economics students and we are to prepare a response and memorise it to complete within a 45min period during an Economics class. The question is "Analyse the issues associated with Australia's persistant...
  5. E

    Northshore- Economics tuition - BoS Resources being plagurised..?

    Re: Northshore- Economics tuition Nice notes, thankyou very much. I hope you get your explanation.