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Search results

  1. K

    First Years

    Visual Communication Design...seems pretty good so far!
  2. K

    innovation case study help!

    Yep definatly use tables or any cognitive organiser whenever possible - especially in tests and portfolio. It shows creativity and it is easier to mark - not just a heap of words. Dot points, headings and sub-headings are good to separte and group info together. hope that helps :)
  3. K

    Studying for D&T exam

    Hey fellow designers, Firstly, congrats to all for finishing major works!!!! its crazy to think now there is basically only 5 weeks till our exams! Which brings me to my dilemma....what is the best method to study/summerise for this exam? i am particularly intersested in how to put all of the...
  4. K

    Yay I finished Trials yayness thread

    Yay i finished today too!! Now i have Art and D&T major works to concerntrate on! Found out today our D&T is being marked on the 28th! Scary!