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  1. R

    Telling the Truth Related Texts

    I've chosen The Not so good Earth’ by Bruce Dawe and the book, Media Control by Noam Chonsky. But i have no idea about them... Anyone doing them? Or any other suggestions? Or is anyone doing Media Watch? We onli need 2 related texts & 2 episodes of Frontline rite?
  2. R

    Stimulus booklet - which ones relate best to Imaginative Journey?

    My past tutor suggested 'Journeys over land and sea' and because of what we've done at school, i think ill choose 'Ivory Trail' But i havent actually done 'Journey's over land and Sea' at school, does anyone have anything on it n its relations to IJ? And what is everyone choosing for IJ?
  3. R

    Need English Tutor

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a new english tutor? Someone who lives on NorthShore line? or would be able to get to Chatswood easily? ASAP!! ><