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  1. tIMMOw

    Seinfeld box sets

    seinfeld is AWSOME im so gonna but this set thye are releasing seasons cause their smart they will be releasing a couple seasons or one season every year!AND its not JERRY its the major company!!1 choosing
  2. tIMMOw

    i love ultimo tafe

    ultimo tafe sucks its surrounded by WOGS
  3. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    Unfortunatly this is not a spam thread It is a thread dedicated to Nigel Flynn the master of Buisness Studies YO moderater did u get 100% in buisness studies HELLLLL NOO u didnt man u suck, u probally think your life is important because your a moderater AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrr...
  4. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    i dont like this guy in this thread called DUDE i have been hearing many stories about u n some donkey??? :eek: u hilly billy freak stop telling everyone about these crap stories of u getting bashed u santominous son of a bitch
  5. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    I have found a picture of nigels 2nd lover after Clancy Stewart i will try and get a picture for everyone of him
  6. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    Random AND Useless Fact #10 Nigel Flynn enjoys the taste of sour milk Random AND Useless Fact #11 Nigel Flynn has enjoyed sexual education over 12 times Random AND Useless Fact #12 Nigel Flynn wears glasses (Cool glasses like steve Urkiel) Random AND Useless Fact #13 Nigel Flynn...
  7. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    holy cow i didnt relise so many ppl knew him he must be a hell of a player Random AND Usless Fact #7 Nigel Flynn has spat on the people 8 times and 23 times on a desk Random AND Useless Fact #8 Nigel Flynn uses Anti-Hair Curler(An expensive product from making his hair curly) Random...
  8. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    Dark Secrest is just jealous she wants some of NIge Heres a Pic of Nige i Found for all U lucky women out there
  9. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    U r not nigel UR a chick and not a good one haha jokes hes a bloody legend
  10. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    Random AND Useless Fact #4 Nigel Flynn self proclaims to be a buisness man Random AND Useless Fact #5 It has been proven by numerous sources that Nigel has mouth farted!This is caused when in the middle of speaking he farts out of his mouth DISGUSTING Random AND Useless Fact#6 Nigel...
  11. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    Random AND Useless Fact on Nigel Flynn #1 Nigel Flynn enjoys being educated on sexual intercouse as he feels it helps him unwind and help please the women Random AND Useless Fact #2 In all topic tests Nigel has scored 95-100% due to Extra help ;) from a special tutor Random AND Useless...
  12. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    this man is god he has scored 100 in buisness,pdh and just recently back from the trials he got 99.5% on hospitality he is single ladies add him to ur msn
  13. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    it is heavily rumored that nigel flynn has scored a perfect 100 in Sex education test for pdh... he also is in love with nicole but then this rat called tina came in and ruined i
  14. tIMMOw

    NOTES FOR WITNESS PLZ needed badly 3 scenes reviewed

    can someone plz submit some notes on 3 scenes that were in the film witness they were summarised as this is in a assesment coming up any help would be great thnx:D
  15. tIMMOw

    help plz(globilisation and how its affected trade and financial flows)

    globilisation and how its affected trade and financial flows i need help with this assesment if anyone has any notes or anyhting plz send it to me at many thanks :)
  16. tIMMOw

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    it is rumoured that nigel flynn last year got a perfect 100 on his buisness test!!!! does anyone know any other ppl who got 100