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  1. P

    chicago as a related text

    hi! someone mentioned they did chicago for a related text in powerplay... - thanks heaps for that! it IS a good one! can someone plz send notes on how exactly it relates to powerplay... im thinking sexual/emotional power that velma and roxie use and the manipulation of the truth by billy...
  2. P

    Antony and cleopatra techniques

    hi! sorri i dont have much time so this will be really brief caesar dominates the the first scene we see both caesar and lepidus this occurs also when a messenger enters, they/he (forgot how many) ignore lepidus and address caesar caesar's language is very authoritative...
  3. P

    help with integration

    it is 2u!!!!i can see it! lol it took me a while but soo simple....yet looks so impossible at first!! its a more complicated version of x=a to the power of y and y = log a (x) if you look carefully where x is 3 and y is (2x-1) thanx KeypadSDM - u make it look so easy =0P btw how...