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Search results

  1. C

    Oh Dear!

    ok... so im kinda starting to freak out.... has anyone else planned to do hours and hours and hours of study a day, drew up a timetable n everything but failed to do nearly enough?? ive been so slack and im finding it difficult to get motivated to study and im FREAKIN OUT!!!! what do i do?!
  2. C

    Maguc Mountain Resort- Schoolies 07

    Anyone staying at the Magic Mountain Resort on the Gold Coast between the 24th Nov and 1st Dec? If so, I'll see you there!!!:)
  3. C

    what is the one thing you cant wiat to do??

    oh god. where do i start. first off i will be running around the school like a madperson, laughing at all the poor kids left there for at least another year. sucked in! then i would glady go return my textbooks... then i say a trip to the pub would be appropriate! ahhhhhh not long now. 72 days...