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  1. A

    please i need help with spherical geometry, i missed class lessons bc in hospital !

    Hi guys, I have an assignment over the hols and im really stuck. I missed the lessons (due to being hospitalised- not just waggin or being lazy) on geometry of the earth/ spherical geometry and now im so over my head. I would really really appreciate some help!! Here are the questions.. (*=...
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    do you prefer the lights on or off?

    On.. i like to see my mans expressions as i do what he wants.. How do u tell what he likes or doesnt like if you cant see?? And sometimes words interrupt the moment.. dimmed is good thou...
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    is it 'illegal' to have my detective as the killer?!

    YES YES YES it is absolutely "illegal" to have the detective as the killer. the crime fiction genre originates from the intuitionists and their ideas. although disregarding the "golden age" in which they wrote is challenging conventions, this is the first rule for crime fiction. never ever use...