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  1. N

    Help with Projectile Motions please

    Denoz is right It may be worth noting though that rounding midway through the question can cause innacuracies. From rounding to 153.66 rather than keeping as 153.664 the final answer is different by .01 I got 100.815 m/s which rounds to 100.82 ... depending on the exam this may cost marks.
  2. N

    TO General or not to general ?

    Hey all Just posting to ask advice as to subject choice. I have just finished the 2U course with an avg of ~66% (rank 12/30) and 3u tomorrow with an avg of ~55% (rank 3/7) - which was pretty good considering I dropped out of school in yr 10 around 8 years ago and have done no math...
  3. N

    A Situation that has Freaked Me Out

    we were told not to bother writing stu or cent no on the inside pages of the book but "could if we really wanted to" the examiner said in over 20 years in her position she'd not once seen books fall apart. If what she said is true, id say you have no problems if you did write it on the front...
  4. N

    Unnecessary Pressure - FORMAL COMPLAINTS - Stop the BOS madness !

    For the record: I was most certainly NOT saying "YEW SHOULD COMPLAINZ ABOUT DA EVIL HSC SYSTEM AND DA BOARD OF STUDIES IS EVIL AND SHOULD BE REPORTED TO DA OMBUDSMAN" nor was this post based solely on "what one exam supervisor said in one exam centre in the whole state" My point was...
  5. N

    Unnecessary Pressure - FORMAL COMPLAINTS - Stop the BOS madness !

    I am sick to death of educators trying to bully students into performing & guilt them into not cheating. IT HAS TO STOP ! I sat the english paper 1 exam yesterday and was horrified at what i heard. I have not been at school for 8 years and have come back to finally do my HSC. From an...
  6. N


    kazan re: "when a passivationg metal is oxidised, in this case i'll use aluminium, the product formed in AlO, which is insoluble, and doesn't react with the surrounding enviroment." as a matter of interest that isnt entirely correct in the case of Al and i would suggest a variety of other...
  7. N

    What forms around the cathode during electrochemical processes?

    To REMEMBER WHAT REDUCTION AND OXIDATION ARE: OIL RIG O xidation I s L oss R eduction I s G ain Oxidation is loss of electrons..... Solid --> Ions EG FE -> Fe2+ + 2e- (yay for shipwrecks) Reduction is gain .... Ions gain electrons to become a "solid" (or more precicely atoms rather...