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  1. sungsam

    Windows server 2003

    Hey i was just wondering if anyone here uses server 2003 on their home pc. I was thinking of getting it but not sure how it performs running everyday applications. cheers Sam
  2. sungsam

    Bit of a pickle

    cool thanks for that, I am always a prompt smser but yeah i do usually reply pretty much straight away and have little sms convos, i think in the first 2 weeks she was messaging me i counted around 40 messages from her. So i guess i will try to hold off on the replies
  3. sungsam

    Bit of a pickle

    hey well theres this chick ive working with for the past like 5 years, and for about 3 weeks now she has been smsing me every single day. after like the first week i got the hunch that she was interested and since other workers have been saying 'u should ask [name] out' and '[name] is very...