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  1. Itazura

    Courses by correspondence?

    Well, I do two unit Studies of Religion by correspondance (No, I'm not religious for the record) and I plan to drop it like a tonne of bricks at the end of year eleven. I'm wayyyyyy behind in the course, due to a combination of me being lazy and the distance education center occasionally...
  2. Itazura

    Purpose of utopian literature

    For the purpose of Satirisation? We had a look at the excerpts of Utopia by Thomas More and he was basically satirising the hierarchy, moral and ethical values and government process. But I don't know of any other Utopian literature, so I could very well be wrong.
  3. Itazura

    what assignments have you guys been given?

    Only four assessments thus far: Advanced English: Personal and Analytical response to prose fiction texts Extension English: Reflection journal on Satire Mathematics: Exam :P Studies of Relgion: Religious comparison report.
  4. Itazura

    ENGLISH! (All courses welcome =D)

    Hmm... Advanced: At the moment we're just looking at short stories. We're looking at Tim Winton's Scisson and moving on to something of Margaret Atwood's shortly. Extension English: Umm, wow, shows how much I know about where the course is going. We're studying Satire for the year, as well...
  5. Itazura

    novel for english

    I'd recommend Animal Farm, by George Orwell. I'd go into it, but I'd probably ruin it. It's only counted as a novella though.
  6. Itazura

    What electives do/did you do in yrs9/10?

    Commerce, Food Technology and Japanese (Jap being the only worthwhile one :P)
  7. Itazura

    Year 10 students - What subject will you be happy to finish!

    Geography: Our school doesn't possess a single Geography teacher who can make the subject remotely interesting, and well, the subject isn't that thrilling to begin with in my opinion History: I don't mind History... except Australian history. "Oh look, Englands gone off to another war, quick...