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  1. vietbaybeh

    Confess: How many pages did you write??

    historiography - 9 jfk - 11
  2. vietbaybeh

    should i drop 3u maths?

    i'm in the same position as u... im coming 13th out of 17 ppl, with a mark of 75%, and i told the teacher i wanted to drop to 2u, but she said i should stay. i kno 3u is alot of work for onli 1 extra unit, but apparently if u get in the top 50% of the state, it scales u pretty well. it...
  3. vietbaybeh

    The Best King Lear Adaptation

    that bondi one was so crap!! i wanted to leave at intermission! i didnt see Queen Lere, but my friends did and they said it was good