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  1. T

    games to play while on schoolies?

    think that one wins.... but come on, that happens anytime, so whats going to make it so good at schoolies?
  2. T

    games to play while on schoolies?

    but while ur drunk.... is that such a good idea?? anyway... isn't that like a big game? As in too big to take away to schoolies!
  3. T

    games to play while on schoolies?

    Drunk Twister... shit that sounds aewsome... and with guys... HAHA... 10 times better!
  4. T

    games to play while on schoolies?

    Does anyone have any cool random games to play while on schoolies? OTHER THEN just shots, and streaking and the obvious... like more fun stuff that can be played for awhile, with boys and girls obviously!?!
  5. T

    phillip island anyone?

    Is anyone going down to Phillip Island for schoolies? Coz my group of friends and I kind of left it to the last minute... as in we only got this place 3 months ago, but there are 12 of us going, staying in a house, and only paying $50 EACH FOR THE WHOLE WEEK!!! So for cheapest accommodation I...