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Search results

  1. M

    Official assessment rankings.

    English Adv. 6/37 Mathematics 2/38 Math Ext 1. 4/12 Biology 1/28 Chemistry 2/20 Physics 2/16 Dnt know how much of an impact this will have on the exam but here's hoping!
  2. M

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    i just wasnt prepared for the pressure form friends and family to continue to haunt me so badly afta the exams ended...this system sucks!
  3. M

    Option: Medical Physics

    i thought the option was really good!the questions wernt cryptic and aslong as you knew what the verb was asking it was fine...though i never can tell how i go in exams though i would like to say... NO MORE EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Subjects: English advanced, Mathematics, MAths Ext1...
  4. M

    Exam Thoughts

    im so glad most people found that exam easy! i had almost an hour left to check my answers at the end. we did the communication option and i found even those questions relatively straightforward as long as you read the question completely.so glad im not the only one that thought this!:wave:
  5. M

    Burnt out??

    I have to agree...not only do i have no more assessments but i'm getting bugged day and night to do study...i want to be left alone for a whole day. The studying thing is just not happening at the moment and well i couldn't care less. My theory...the more you remind me i have to do somerthing...
  6. M

    the current english course is a waste of time, true or false

    I have Two points to make on this topic as a person who is currently doing the HSC cources in Advanced english and Mathematics. English, while the course and the texts studied may seem pointless is a skill that is used in every industry. Being able to communicate in a professional and...
  7. M

    Trials Results

    Hey I've got all my marks back though they arn't incredibly good: English Advanced - 77% 8/50 Mathematics - 74% 2/38 Math Ext 1 - 50% 2/13 Biology - 76% 1/28 Chemistry - 61% 4/20 Physics - 63% 3/16 By The Way All of my marks are raw marks. Fun Fun now we've got about 8 weeks till the HSC exams...
  8. M

    Rural Schools: A Disadvantage?

    depending on the course your applying for you do yet a slightly lower entry UAI applied to you, but as you said these are mainly through rural entry schemes. you need to investigate your courses and talk to some of the uni's. find email addresses and ask your questions to the people who know all...
  9. M

    Rural Schools: A Disadvantage?

    I'm in a catholic school of about 900 people. Some of the people in my year achieve very high marks, but it is very inconsistently (i also have alot od dropkicks in my year) . i believe that we are at a disadvantage being so far from many of the teaching resources offered in the city, but that...
  10. M

    Bullying victim in line for $1m payout

    Hate to be a kill joy everyone but bullying is something that people will face in all aspects of their lives. The problem is that the bullying issue is focused on in primary schools. While this man was obviously mentally taunted by the bullying that occured in his early years, i can't help but...