Search results

  1. J

    Career Pathways, Job Security and Lifestyle...

    In my opinion, if you were to pursue a job in the finance industry, get one that pays commisions rather than relying on just a salaray. My pick, financial planning. You basically advise people on where to invest there money and you get a commision from their net invested assets (not just a...
  2. J

    Difference between finance and Accounting Major?

    Way i see it..... With accounting, you work with the general ledger alot more and many accounting jobs involve maintaining the ledger ie bank recs, data entry, investigating problems in the ledger and basically figuring out what journal entries need to be posted into the ledger. With...
  3. J

    Finance is crap

    Worst fins course FINS2643....dont do it......they tested you on precise words from the textbook and I heard they used an outdated textbook in sem 2 2007 (superannuation laws changed in 2007 and they continued teaching old laws....completely pointless)
  4. J

    Finance is crap

    I just did fins3641-Security valuation and i must say it was probably the most challenging fins course I've done so far but probably the most interesting one. The textbook they use is craphouse but Les (lecturer) was really good and interesting. Exams were pretty tough and the assignments...
  5. J

    Options/Stock Trading

    I'de say when applyin for any job.....experience counts for around 90% and your degree and grades....around 10%. With trading, you should start investing now and prove that you know how to invest and use the skills you learn in finance to enhance your portfolio. Employers favour initiatve and...