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  1. M


    lol We had a 10 person team ghost going to some random on the telstra tower in Canberra.... I wish someone had filmed it... Good times :)
  2. M

    » Karate or Kickboxing for self defense ?

    Look for a local MMA group - a wicked combination of Muay Thai, Brazilian Ju Jitsu, wrestling etc... Its great fun, and teaches students a wide range of ways to defend oneself. :)
  3. M

    economics at uq

    Well uhhhhhh all i know is that UQ is pretty good elliot :P I think i know some people who are doing it so i will ask them and tell you at school :P
  4. M

    Living on-campus

    Can i ask how you chose and what drew you to that particular university???
  5. M

    Living on-campus

    Hey does anyone know what it is like living at either Union or Kings???? Im not sure if i want to go into a coed college or not :(
  6. M

    Living on Campus - Which college?????

    Hey everyone :) I am planning on going to UQ next year, and I am trying to decide which college i would like to stay in. I would prefer one of the non-denominitional ones and UNion has caught my eye, but I have been told that it has a "bad reputation" Can someone explain this reputation of...
  7. M

    If you are in year 11, read this first.

    Hehe i go to a public school and 1 (yes one!) person did 4u maths last year. Next year - mine - there will be two. Me and a mate :) hehe
  8. M

    Which subject do you find the most boring so far?

    The subject i find the most boring so far is easily IPT. It's not that i hate it or that im not good AT IT ( I was top of the class) but i KNEW THE ENTIRE COURSE. I was at the stage where i was finishing 3 periods of work in 10 minutes. SEriously, couldn't they make a computer course that is a...