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  1. RainyDayGirl

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    we're doing belonging. i think.
  2. RainyDayGirl

    PDH question??

    Better Health For Individuals. Propose an action plan designed to optimise the health of a Year 11 high school student. (8 marks) I'm finding this difficult because it doesnt give you any of the person's information i.e eating habits etc. Any ideas where I should start?
  3. RainyDayGirl

    Othello! help needed! soliloquies

    i have that movie! its good =] this speech is so dumb. i still havent done anything and its due monday!! ARGH!!! *dies* hey do you think if i die they'll still want it??
  4. RainyDayGirl

    Othello! help needed! soliloquies

    I need help on that too! Anyone know anything on Iago's at Act 1 Scene 3??? :(