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    How to get band 5 without a tutor!

    How did i do what ? lol. sorry you have to be a bit more specific please so i can answer the question in a way that it may help u :) do you mean with english ? or atar in general ? or with no tutoring ? And dont call yourself horrible. Thats really not the push youre looking for trust me :P...
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    How to get band 5 without a tutor!

    I dont have any advice on english because i put it outside of my head after hsc ( good riddance lol ! ) but if it makes u feel better i got 98 & band 6's in all my subjects without any tutoring. My reasoning was different, i wanted to do it on my own without an help from others. But what im...
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    St Marys Senior High

    I dont particularly remember, it was way too long ago. I remember i had to write an essay about why i wanted to go there, and answer some smaller questions i think. Im not sure if they've changed the layout of the form. And in any case, if all those are going for you, your chances are quite...
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    Help! Stalkers!

    Dont be mean to them. They probably ask you because they think youre nice. Then again, they may just be too self involved to care. Just pretend you dont know the answer. Be like " ive been trying to figure that out myself . i have no idea ! gonna ask the tutor " and after u say that a few times...
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    St Marys Senior High

    In that case you will love it ! And i really hope you get in ! :D i wish i was still there lol :(
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    St Marys Senior High

    Dont listen to lolsmith. if you talk to someone from st marys they they will never tell you that. Basically for the selection process youre expected to write 2 essays, i remember one was about why you should be selected. It would be wise to say that you want to get in because St marys offers...
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    can you fuck off ? do you know what fuck off means ?
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    You wont acknowledge the truth or facts if it hits you in the face. You're in denial so have fun with that till reality wakes you up. I'm bored of this. Goodbye =)
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    Why are you so skeptic ?
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    Well right now Australia is trying to make sure your tax laws dont offend the Quran because the support of muslim countries is going to help the economy. Your theories looking pretty bleak to me right now. Looks to me like pissing off muslims is the last thing you wanna do ? :D Koran caution...
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    Like i said. whatever helps you sleep at night.
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    Like that movie said. You came in chains, we came in planes. Its just as much ours as it is yours. Given that youre on your way to becoming the minority, i dont think youre in any position to talk. whats done is done. =] As long as we pay our taxes, you cant tell us shit.
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    Whatever helps you sleep at night.
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    er. i think we all know what i mean ? obviously im not talking about the city within the state ? we are comparing it to a country after all ...
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    Means YOURE an animal. You just proved my point by not being able to comprehend what i said.
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    Well youre free to leave if you dont like it.
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    You're so kind. You're parents must be so proud to have given birth to such a charming offspring. Like i said, 2025, whites here will be the minority. You either get used to us, or you can do what Pauline Hanson did and leave yourself.
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    Muslims not welcome to buy Hanson's home

    dude can you like shut up. i know kazis bengali, his name was a bit of a give away. he just thinks just because he lives in australia hes better than the rest of us.