Are you active on social media or someone who participates in online forums? If so we're interested in hearing about your experiences with online communities, standards of un/acceptable behavoiur, and any negative experiences you've had online. You'll be paid $20 to attend Macquarie University...
PSYC2011- Brain & Behaviour
PSYC2012- Statistics & Research Methods
PCOL2011- Fundamentals of Pharmacology
BIOL1003- Human Biology
PSYC2013- Cognitive & Social
PSYC2014- Personality & Intelligence
PCOL2012- Drugs & People
ANAT2010- Concepts of Neuroanatomy
timetable will be a nightmare ugh
If you don't actually want a job in psychology, maybe just take psych electives in a science course? I know at USYD it's pretty much impossible to do a double degree with BPsych, but you can choose two majors in a BSc or whatever. Also, to practice as a clinical psychologist you need to study...
not always. off the top of my head I can only think of two times when student pressure caused (?) teachers to leave, one was more or less accused of perving on students and the other one was racist against asians HAHAHAHAHAHA. mostly if our teachers are bad people will just get private tutoring...
To practice psychology you need the four years honours plus an extra two years of clinical training, and then I think you start working. It's definitely not all mentally-impaired people, I know quite a few 'normal' people who see psychologists about things like stress, family relationships...
out of those, an accountant. you're not going to be that good a doctor/psychologist if you're only in it for the pay, and you can't even spell engineer. just saying..
It depends on the subject, I think. Doing maths/chem/sociology/psych and almost all of the lecturers, tutors and demos are good, most are great and some are amazing. Especially for psych. But I might be a tad biased there.
Missing Shadowdude is my one regret about not going to UNSW ):
this prac is a bitch. try not to tear the filter paper. this is the write up from my notes-
Weigh two filter papers. Grind some fertiliser into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. Weigh out approx 1g, place in a beaker and dissolve in about 250mL 0.1M HCl. Stir to dissolve as much solid as...
out of the all the subjects I did, I'd have to say modC Birthday Letters was the worst, closely followed by conics in MX2. so happy there's no compulsory english in uni.
yeah, make sure you understand everything in maths, the basics (eg moles) of chem and how to write a good essay. that's pretty much all you need to get through prelims.
I'd say ruse maths papers are harder (but probably not as hard as sydney grammar), english papers are easier (cssa seem to ask some pretty dicky questions in comparison) and chem papers are about the same, although the marking criteria makes it harder to get marks sometimes. ancient's about the...