greatest number of points in all group matches;
goal difference in all group matches;
greatest number of goals scored in all group matches;
greatest number of points in matches between tied teams;
goal difference in matches between tied teams;
greatest number of goals scored in matches between...
unsw xtremeeeee
Climbed the big ball on main walkway, climbed the roof of Willis Annexe last night and managed to get inside q-lounge last night:guitar:
My WAM was 73 something
I applied for internal transfer to Economics (required: 70), i wanted Commerce/Arts but that needed a 75 so i took the safe option of choosing that respective course seeing as the degree is similar to Commerce anyways. But at the same time i also applied for transfer with...
Places that are open after hours (ie. requiring swipe access) would usually have security coming in, checking IDs and eventually kucking you out when they close. Afaik, this rules out Law Library and main Library.
Latest i've been at uni is 12am in ASB, otherwise, i've heard from friends of...
asb: like the students that will graduate from there - dull, cold, sterile and the same thing over and over and over again
red centre: a mess on the outside, unfinished inside
quad: made for tall people, high ceilings
old main: fkasldjfla
morven brown: asbestos
whine whine whine
Yes, i am having this problem too, check to see if classes are full, i had this problem last year and it was because the class was full, just have to wait and hopefully someone drops out
IDs do not need to be taken out of wallets to work on swipe access places like student lounge
and may even work through thin clothing like some trackies
Don't get off on the level other people in the lift are getting off at, you'll probaly end up competing with them for a spot.
Walk down the right side of the library looking to your left for a spot, don't bother looking on both sides as you're walking down, look for a spot on the other side when...