Search results

  1. SirGir

    Parkour / Freerunning / Tricking

    yeh i will, thanks! where abouts do you live, you should join a gym session with us
  2. SirGir

    Parkour / Freerunning / Tricking

    tricking is so much fun, but needs a whole lot more skill than pk or freerunning, which i like, cause theres always like, somthing to improve on in tricking, somthing better to do. i got a few youtube vids of crap beach flipping -
  3. SirGir

    Parkour / Freerunning / Tricking

    thats what sucks about this sport, it takes like 3 guys, to screw it all up and give it a bad name, most of us mainly practice what we are capable of, we dont try any of that roof jumping crap, thats kinda not what its about. and jayzon, i live on the gold coast, you should teach me some stuff...
  4. SirGir

    Parkour / Freerunning / Tricking

    Ha Ha, no, i do not intend to impress anyone, it is a form of disipline and i do it because it is good fitness, great for a new perspective, and i only practice it in places with like no people, and in a gym. Why automatically mark me as an egotistical show off? maybe because you fail.... at life
  5. SirGir

    Post your desktop screenshot.

    the wallpaper is not as girly looking as you think.. plus, this is crap.
  6. SirGir

    Setting Up Wireless Network With A Mac

    Hey, i have a 24" imac, running the top specs, and for a while ive just been logging into my neighbours netowrk and using it to surf the net, but they found me out and put a stop to it, but now i want to connect to my own home modem, it does support wireless, but i cant find it on my mac, anyone...
  7. SirGir

    Photoshop & Photography. theres just some of my pictures on that site, but tell me what you think
  8. SirGir

    Parkour / Freerunning / Tricking

    Anyone do any of these sports? personally i do all, and i'm interested in how many other school kids out there do it. I have been for around 2 years now, and if anyone wants to train or meet up, add me to msn if you have never heard of these activites, youtube it. They...