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  1. S

    HSC Electric/Acoustic Guitar and Music 1

    Hey everyone. I'm Josh, an Architecture graduate who completed the HSC in 2008 with a mid Band 6 in Music 1. My main instrument is the guitar followed by vocal. I can also do bass and drums accompaniments. Strong in all aspects: performance, composition, aural and musicology skills... 9 Years...
  2. S

    Highly Dedicated tutor for CHEM, BIO, IPT, 2/3U MATHS

    Hey Sam, good to know that you are still tutoring. Howve u been lately? Sam's a great tutor and friend. If you are willing to do well in the hsc, try not to miss this opportunity. Theres only so much of his own time he can offer to help you guys.
  3. S

    Psych at USYD OR MACQ

    hey dude i am wondering the same thing.. if psych @ macq is good/better cause i cant decide between psych @ macq and architecture @ usyd
  4. S

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    I think I got 19/20... first question wrong :P i put A, i looked at it again on the wednesday and i was like oh shhhhhh....