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Search results

  1. J

    Who hasn't studied 4 da HSC at all or only a little?

    Looking at that spelling its probably safe to assume only god can help you now.
  2. J

    UNISS Scholarships

    Hey everyone. I have an interview for a UNISS Scholarship in Construction Management. Anyone currently doing a scholarship for this course or have any helpful information regarding the interview? Thanks
  3. J

    smithsonian website 9/11 help!!!

    We have the website to. Some good related material is The Falling Man - Tom Junod - 9/11 Suicide Photograph - Esquire or BBC - History - Crusades and Jihads in Postcolonial Times Both explore the inaccuracy of representations in terms of historical events quite well.
  4. J

    2009 Earth Science Students

    Hey everyone. First post! I also do Earth and Environmental (year 12) and have been really put off by it due to having a very uninterested teacher. After reading some of these posts I must say I gained a little bit more confidence, previously I have been thinking it wont do my HSC mark any good...