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  1. S

    SC Results Thread

    Re: 2008SC SC Results ~ woahh evryone did awesome!! i thought i did pretty good until i saw everyone elses marks >< nahh but overall im happy =] english: 91 maths: 92 science: 94 geo: 95 history: 92 computing: 95 ooh yeh and stfu to all those ppl who keep saying that sc is...
  2. S

    Stimulus Booklet...

    ummm okkay, geez thanks for being soo modest >< GOSH makes me feel soooo much better... LOL
  3. S

    Results back but no Papers?

    we get our marks back though right, like what we ot for mc and short answer and stuff?
  4. S


    awww how come i always kill the conversation :(( lol
  5. S

    twilight series

    WTF??? its totally JACOB ftw!!! hes like ten million times hotter than that ten million year old over possessive person... lol but i still love edward but WEREWOLVES>VAMPIRES but arghh its sooo annoying how ALOT of ppl are overboard on this whole twilight thing
  6. S

    Who found the SC Easy?

    lol that is EXACTLY what i put too but i ttly think its wrong >< i dont regret stressing and stuff but 98% of everything i studied wasnt even in the bloody test >=[ english and science was alrighty but im DREADING tomorrow, frkn geo/history our one's on friday i thought it was all on...
  7. S


    distracted?? hmm i wonder why? *points finger at bos* god i havnt studied either :(( and im sick too, how frkn convenient oh well ill just stare at my notes for like hours till they sink in :) GOOD LUCK EVERYONE and yes i shall kickASS
  8. S

    twilight series

    LOOL i reckon i read it ages ago, its not really that bad or that good, but this is just me, but fark i srsly dnt see the whole "SQUEEEEAAAAALLLLLL OMGOMG I LOVEEEE EDWARD" thing is all abt :S but its fun to read but theres better, like 'The time traveller's wife' =) OOH and i still rekn...
  9. S

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    nahh its easy peasy, you just need to know the research action plan which is... i forgot. its just stuff like analyse and gathering data etc... look it up everything else you can just bullshit
  10. S

    Ramsay says f*** 80 times in TV show

    fuck i love ramsey, hes fckin awesome and is a fckin great fcukin chef. FCK FCK FCK :p LOL wasnt he a pro soccer player before but had to quit cos of an injury?
  11. S

    Did You Make It To Selective Schools?

    thank god =P thnx and btw TWILIGHT = WOOH lol
  12. S

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    LOL i was forced =P cos its totally gonna benefit my future *rolls eyes*
  13. S

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    WOAH pretty AWESOME tips yayy soo gonna use them for my school cert, and i rkn to all those annoying ppl who laugh at u and tell u the sc is sooo easy pfft well i think their sorta hard, so what, am i ultra stupid or something?? :burn:< heehee im not that angry, just putting it there cos it...
  14. S

    Did You Make It To Selective Schools?

    yep made it, but its not in the fully high ranks or anything and actually i reckn there is a difference, cos going to an half selective school, our marks are a LOT higher than the non-selectives, but there are still a few acheivers in the community side, just not as much but i guess it depends...
  15. S

    Do you like maths?

    EEEW no!! too stupid :shy: