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  1. T

    Take your revenge...

    I used to know this guy called Robert Roberts. Everyone used to call him 2bob.
  2. T

    UAI Guess Competition

    User: Tnosrac UAI Guess: 93.2 Actual UAI: x Date Signed: Nov 4, 2008
  3. T

    Quanta 6 marker

    I did Heisenburg and Pauli, and spoke about what they did with the electrons. Like the Exclusion Principle, and the Uncertainty principle
  4. T

    The Idiot’s Guide to studying just prior to, and during the HSC exams

    In the last few weeks, I've been doing a lot of past papers. Or trying to do so, any way. But this has not been very useful in the recent exams (Maths 3/4u) as the exams have been so different to what they have in years gone by...
  5. T

    did any 4u students find this paper hard?

    I reckon that this paper was not terribly hard, nor easy. The main problem with it was the fact that there was too much in it for 2 hours. I only got to about halfway through 7, and didnt really get to think about other questions as much as I would have liked. I think that I forgot the cosine...
  6. T

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    The test on the whole was fair, not too hard, but not too easy. I do 4u, but I knew that there would be some element from 2u that i'd mess up. Thought it would be like a series or something, but not the cosine rule in 6.
  7. T

    exam booklet

    You know that you only need to number them to 1/2 way through the book, as if a page fell out, the number would still be on half the 2 page spread that fell out?
  8. T

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    Re: What did you think? I got that as well
  9. T

    Paper 1 gave me a paper-cut today.

    I seem to sneeze a lot in the exams. The funny part is that i dont sneeze at all outside...
  10. T

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    Agree. Have used these for a long time now.
  11. T

    Speeches anyone?

    I did Luther King and Havel, thought that they worked together ok, about them talking all about different kinds of freedom