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  1. Jordy-Anne

    Your Pc?

    I have to say, XP is the best (for me at least), Apple comes close only because it is easy to use, and has previously mentioned, it's good for basic multimedia stuff, Linux I do like....BUT it does sometimes annoy me when using it, but then again it saved all my files when my OS last crashed and...
  2. Jordy-Anne

    Modern Teachers

    Our Mod.His teacher is the best, he's really funny and says the weirdest stuff, but he was good for letting us know if we were starting to fall in our marks without us looking dumb and help us who were confused about the work :)
  3. Jordy-Anne

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: Howd you find it? I did the same ones, all I can say now is THANK GOD I DON'T HAVE TO HEAR ABOUT SPEER ANYMORE! it's always been my weak point lol I think it was a good exam though, better than I expected, Loved the germany question!
  4. Jordy-Anne

    Relationships & HSC

    lol I would expect so, I'm just glad that now I NEVER have to talk about or learn about freakin albert speer!!! Fun exam tho...lol
  5. Jordy-Anne

    General Thoughts: Information Technology

    Yea I thought it was alot different, but the questions did seem a bit...well odd. The multiple choice one on 'closed question', that's an English thing! But 20, 21 and 22 were shiteloads different to any others I have seen....basically the course has been running for about 7 yrs I think, and in...
  6. Jordy-Anne

    Your Pc?

    I should test that...hmmmm lol I know it can run Commander Keen and Chips Challenge...oh and Bubsy...CS worked for a bit...but then everytime I played it my PC blue-screened me until one day it just stopped working...somehow my OS crashed o.o fingers crossed though...gettin a better one in the...
  7. Jordy-Anne

    Relationships & HSC

    sonyaleeisapixi vbmenu_register("postmenu_3854606", true); ? Looking at the list of subjects you're doing, I have to say I can't blame you! Obviously your guy knows that too :) thank god though it'll all be over soon...November 7th HERE I COME!
  8. Jordy-Anne

    Your Pc?

    You lucky bastards! mine is...loud...it's god knows how old and second hand. Intel Pentium 3, 935mhz processor. 512M RAM when it wants to...usually running on 256M 30GB HDD CRT monitor it has a cd player....ummm floppy drive... Windows XP SP2 Can run Adobe photoshop CS2!!! YAY!!! It's an Asus...
  9. Jordy-Anne

    Relationships & HSC

    My boyfriend and I have been together for over 2 yrs now :) the HSC is nothing compared to the shit we went through when we first started dating, we actually live in the same house now, and when it comes to study it's good because we can quiz each other when cleaning and on the way to school...
  10. Jordy-Anne

    General Thoughts: Information Technology

    I did the IT exam both last year AND this year, it was ALOT harder than last years, I will say that now...but I rekon I did ok :) I did the 1st 2 questions...20 and 21 I think, I think the exam was good though :) oh and FYI: I'm doing pathways and last yr when I did my exam I couldn't write, so...
  11. Jordy-Anne

    what are you going to do with your major work after the hsc?

    Throw it away....nah that was my first idea, then my mum decided she wanted one of the 3 panels, then I kinda liked the second one, and my b/f wants the 3rd...so yea!