I was wondering if anyone knows whether you have to pick certain units and/or majors for the first year? Are there ones that you have to select that are compulsory for the accelerated teaching course in the fourth year?
I'm just a little confused on what I have to pick.
Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
Graceling - Kristin Cashore
Assassin's Quest- Robin Hobb
Sasha - Joel Shepherd
I keep changing my mind on which I want to read first... so I'm partway through all of them... :)
So glad its over!
I'd never sewn before in my life, so i found textiles really stressful haha :)
I wish I did a portrait now looking back, but oh well....
I did have fun with all the textures though...!
lol. Well im redoing my portfolio atm.(inspiration/vdd/experiments)
And ive created the outline of my work....i just need to start and stop procrastinating!
Once i start i'll be fine though. I'll try get the rest of my assignments and coursework out of the way so i can focus fully on it.
I loved the movie, but watching it a second time, little things bugged me..
I didn't like how creepy Jamal was at times lol. Whenever he said it was 'fate' or 'destiny' I couldn't help but cringe :/
Other than that though, i enjoyed it. I liked how it was funny one moment, then sad the next...
Haha i remember that
Power Rangers
Sailor Moon
Captain Planet
Alex Mac
Art Attack
Play School
Mr Squiggle
Blinky Bill
The Wiggles..
I remember these were my favourites :)
I just found out recently, that theres like a 11/12th movie or something of pokemon -.-
Alanna, Neal and Kel from the Tortall books- Tamora Pierce
Obi-wan Kenobi
Sylar- i find him funny :)
Sailor Moon- my favourite show in primary lol.
I've only recently started reading manga. I liked Skip Beat for awhile, before i started to lose interest... read some others to. Not sure if i could be bothered reading Bleach after seeing the anime, unless i skipped up to there...
But has anyone got some suggestions? I don't mind a particular...
I remember reading this series haha.
I still havnt read the 5th(?) yet though.
I'll have to borrow all the previous books sometime to remind me of the story, its been a couple of years since i've read them 0.o