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  1. ChrisCryptic

    Do me Do me

    Lets do eeeeeeeet. School rank last year-405 Advanced English- 9/42 Legal Studies 4/45 Business Studies 3/72 Economics 2/15 IPT 1/8 Go go go (please =D)
  2. ChrisCryptic

    Are you Stressing?

    Ive got three exams left (one each day of the week). Had Maths 2 U today and capitulated. English Adv and Legal yesterday was fine. Maths is over and done with so im chilling.
  3. ChrisCryptic

    wetherill park route

    I plan on doing so. The whole school holiday period is practically booked out so it'll be a while. In retrospect, it seems like a poor idea to buy the car the day before going for the P's test....
  4. ChrisCryptic

    wetherill park route

    I got the lady, and got failed for an multiple incorrect head checks.....Which was a crock of shit. Oh well...its booked out for ages from now on, hopefully I can find a gap somewhere else.
  5. ChrisCryptic

    wetherill park route

    Ive got my test there today so ill let you know what route. Ive heard the stories about the harsh fat lady, so im hoping I get ANYONE but her. The routes as fairly quiet, but have a stack of school zones.
  6. ChrisCryptic

    How much does English consume your study time?

    For english examinations, I just remember the quotes and go with the flow with the question in the exam. I find it too hard to try and prepare essays beforehand and adapting them to the question given.
  7. ChrisCryptic

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for? Business/IT at UTS. Go Go Go!
  8. ChrisCryptic

    Half yearly exams, study from now?

    Mine start the 30th and im only really getting into the swing of things now. You have plenty of time.
  9. ChrisCryptic

    IPT Excursion

    Powerhouse Museum.
  10. ChrisCryptic

    Girls in IPT?

    My IPT class girls. We had about 16 guys in prelim year, and now down to 8 guys for the HSC. With a male teacher its a testosterone filled class.
  11. ChrisCryptic

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    I believe we are meant to get them early next term. I got 'Shortbus' on mine. Multiple references go into that one...
  12. ChrisCryptic

    Between trials and HSC

    Only the satisfied people will lolol. Ours are about halfway through term three, we only have our half yearly exams in the coming weeks, so the trials are a long way off.
  13. ChrisCryptic

    half yearlies

    Ours are the 30th to the 9th....Although all my exams are in the first week. Not feeling too bad yet, going for my P's just before they start and making steady progress in my study. Will be glad to get it over and done with.
  14. ChrisCryptic


    We just finished this module (Moving into Shakespeare now....) and I didn't find it all too demanding. I had seen the movie previously (Harrison Ford buff =D), so I had a pretty good understanding of it. Glad to see some* people are enjoying the film as much as I do every time I see it.