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  1. A

    Can't acces editing UAC apply by web.

    It's all good now. All I had to do was call up uac, get the person on the other end to do their magical computer tricks and now it works :)
  2. A

    Can't acces editing UAC apply by web.

    thanks for your "help". I'm not actually asian and I don't see the point in throwing racist comments around like that but it's good to know who to avoid on the site.
  3. A

    Can't acces editing UAC apply by web.

    "he" is a she. I e-mailed UAC and they told me to click on the edit buttons so I e-mailed them again letting them know the problem in detail and I'm still waiting on a reply so it should be fine. thanks anyway.
  4. A

    UAC now open!

    My first four preferences are b of design in architecture at four different unis just in case. I'm pretty keen on architecture :D
  5. A

    Can't acces editing UAC apply by web.

    I've submitted all my details and everything to uac to apply for uni online but everytime I log on again to edit details and preferences, I can't actually click the links to edit anything; nothing happens. It doesn't matter where I try to log in, the same thing happens. both internet explorer...
  6. A

    har har har sure why not :D

    har har har sure why not :D
  7. A

    What are you currently Reading?

    1984 by George Orwell and Life of Pi by Yann Martel.