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  1. S

    Medentry group discount

    im interested as well if you havnt already done it thanks
  2. S


    hey im interested as well if you havnt already found 2 people...
  3. S

    F**k off were full

    hear hear!!
  4. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    how the hell is that view extreme you ignorant fool
  5. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    UN: Gaza school attack only hit civilians Wed, 07 Jan 2009 10:24:53 GMT...
  6. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    anyway people its been really intresting debating with you but unfortunately i cant stay because i have a life lol thanks for all the free palestine supporters and keep debating for the truth!!! i will be back
  7. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    i dont need supporters to know what is right or wrong
  8. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    You hit the nail on the head
  9. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Hahaha you dumb cunt.. im not and thats that
  10. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    "Did we not take australia away from the aborigines? If aborigines were to rally and demand that you leave your home and go back to your country because that land belonged to their ancestors and you stole it from them , how would you argue back?" well there were many aborigianal counter attacks...
  11. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    But we are in 'modern' times where these things arnt meant to happen correct?
  12. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    we will win in the end you will see
  13. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Hamas didnt kill them YOU ISREALIS did
  14. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    thats because you cunt own most media outlets and of the world gets only your side of the story
  15. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

  16. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Hahahaha what a petty justification..your are the only ignorant 3 year old minded fool here
  17. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    hear hear!!
  18. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    i see your point and i understand where your coming from which is why i want to ask your own question against you if the tables had turned and someone had stolen your land, killed your children how would you feel. arabs had been firing before 2005 but the land had been stolen 60 years ago so...
  19. S

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    thank you point made and proven