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  1. S

    Sources & Quotes

    We're doing Augustus which there's heaps of sources on, but im not really sure about Caesar.. If you were doing Aug. i could have helped you out ALOT but try googling 'ancient sources' or 'primary/secondary sources' with your topic name.. If you really cant find ANYTHING why dont you try other...
  2. S

    9/11 an inside job

    Mate, America didnt kill anyone, this thread is about the government you dumb cunt and it's not simply about shoving the blame onto the Bush administration.. Try looking into it and making up your own mind instead of eating the shit that's been served to you on a plate.. Yeah there's this thing...
  3. S

    9/11 an inside job

    ok.. he mayy be dead i dont care because the point is the US troops didnt find him.. they have the best resources in the world and they didnt capture him, kill him or televise it... they're pathetic and cant even hide their foot prints effectively...
  4. S

    9/11 an inside job

    Ok lets see Source #1 states: bin Laden died of massive organ failure in April last year Source #2 states: Osama bin Laden had died in Pakistan on 23 August 2006, after contracting a case of typhoid fever that paralyzed his lower limbs Source #3 states: Benazir Bhutto claimed that bin Laden...
  5. S

    9/11 an inside job

    since when?.. i havnt herd of it?.. or seen his body
  6. S

    9/11 an inside job

    well u must be incredibly ignorant mate.. do u think bush gave a shit about his people? if he did maybe he wouldnt have created such a hideous global image of the US... Also dont u find it funny how the US troops can track down Saddam Hussein in a tiny fuckin hole under the ground in a...
  7. S

    9/11 an inside job

    :haha::haha::haha::haha: Ok ignorant people, heres some disturbing truth for u... prime factor is absolutely right check this: 9-11 Was An Inside Job - A Call To True Patriots Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report honestly its naive to believe the...