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Search results

  1. S

    Roll call for those trying to transfer to USyd/UNSW Law this year

    Hi everyone. It is re-assuring to hear of all your successes but there is still one thing troubling me. I am doing a commerce degree at UNSW currently (first year), rather than a Commerce/ Law degree at ANU or UTS, due to the fact that there is a guaranteed position into a combined law degree...
  2. S

    Accounting Cadetships 2010

    hey did anyone get an offer from Accru yet?
  3. S

    Accounting Cadetships 2010

    hi guys, i got accepted for an interview by Ernst and Young. The recruitment day seems very daunting and i was wondering if anyone can provide me with some "assurance" (har har har) of what the day will entail like the tests and interviews. SENK YOUUU!!!
  4. S

    Easiest and hardest SC exam??

    u guys are sad.. no one gives a &^%* about school cert.. worry bout YR 12